Islamic Meditation is a powerful practice that confers upon the practitioner numerous benefits. It is also unique among meditative spiritual practices both in its methodology and its intent, for the primary goal of Islamic meditation is progress towards and awakening to both the presence and the pleasure of the Divine.
In methodology, Islamic Meditation seeks to return to the essence of meditative practice, and thus to attain both physically and spiritually a state of surrender, peace, calm, tranquility and rest through intentional relaxation coupled with conscious breathing.
By practicing Islamic Meditation, you will experience numerous personal and spiritual rewards, including the following five key benefits.
Islamic Meditation Benefit #1: Brain Health
By practicing Islamic Meditation, you help to keep your brain young, healthy and whole. With a proper practice, you liberate blocked and stagnant energy that inevitably results from chronic fear, anxiety and worry.
Thus, the practitioner of Islamic Meditation releases stress energetically and tension physically, and the brain is able to experience deep rest and peace through stillness and presence. This increase of oxygenation helps not only the brain stay healthy, but also the body.
Islamic Meditation Benefit #2: Body Health
By releasing of blocked and stagnant energy, in addition to connecting with the light, power and peace of God through Islamic Meditation, you also dramatically improve your body’s health and wellbeing. With a consistent daily practice, you provide your immune system the power, light and healing energy it requires to help keep your body free from disease.
There are tremendous consequences to unresolved tension as a result of unprocessed emotions and experiences, yet with a healing and enjoyable practice coupled with affirmations and visualization, you can through Islamic Meditation help your body stay healthy, strong and vital.
Islamic Meditation Benefit #3: Heart Health
As a result of unprocessed and suppressed pain and trauma, we increasingly develop emotional difficulties that if not released ultimately become persistent states of being. Practicing Islamic Meditation and learning to both let go of that which is beyond our control while concurrently affirming faith in the Almighty, you naturally learn to trust in the will of the Divine and experience greater health, harmony and happiness.
Furthermore, through the proper practice of Islamic Meditation, which is based in surrender and thus transcendence, joy, peace and gratitude naturally arise, as these are your natural and original state of being.
By simply letting go of, surrendering and allowing to dissolve accumulated layers and veils that have resulted from a lifetime of pressure and conditioning in the world, the practitioner of Islamic Meditation progressively returns to his or her fitra, an original state of wholeness and holiness.
Islamic Meditation Benefit #4: Spirituality
The key to spiritual development and awakening is the cultivation of a state of presence through surrender. With Islamic Meditation, you learn how to become still both inwardly and outwardly, and thus experience the blissful state of be-ing, which is a primordial and perfect state that transcends time, and thus is a state that is free from both fear and grief.
It is not surprising that nearly every spiritual teacher in the history of the world has had a meditative and contemplative practice based in presence, stillness and surrender. In fact, the last and final of God’s great messengers and prophets to mankind, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to meditate for days at a time in a cave prior to receiving revelation and being established as the Messenger of God ﷺ to humanity.
Thus, for those who seek to follow in his footsteps and in the path of those who are blessed and guided by God’s divine light and will, it is essential to establish a meditative spiritual practice designed to make possible communion with the Creator.
Islamic Meditation Benefit #5: Success
The greatest impediment to success in any and all areas of life is the lack of presence in the present moment. When we lack a state of rootedness, anchoredness, centeredness and connectedness, we operate at a fraction of our potential. Yet when we become present through an internal state of surrender to Divine Will, we become free and liberated to act and operate at peak state and with optimum potential.
With Islamic Meditation, you learn how to become present, calm and clear, and so are able to act and think intelligently in any and all situations. When fear and emotion no longer cloud and inhibit your ability to allow the will, guidance and inspiration of the Divine to flow through you, you effectively become a true servant of the Almighty, increasingly acting with His sacred support, and you become ultimately effective in all things.
Islamic Meditation is the Key
The blessed and noble Messenger of God ﷺ practiced stillness, surrender and submission, and lived in such a way as to continually maintain connection and communion with the Divine. By learning to practice Islamic Meditation based upon classical principles of spirituality, you make religion real and experience your true purpose on earth as an honored deputy, vicegerent and servant of God.
To your divine and eternal success.
![5 Key Benefits of Islamic Meditation](
8 Responses
Dear Brother Ihsan, I am learning and personally benefiting from your videos . May Allah Bless you with long healthy life and protect you from evil.
Alhamdulillah, wa Allahu Kareem. May He Almighty continue to guide to goodness and light. To your divine and eternal success, Mahbuba.
Thank you Ihsan, looking forward to the course and new explorations
Welcome, Suzanne. May your path be illuminated with God’s divine guidance, grace, light and love. To your divine and eternal success.
Dear brother Ihsan, Thank you for yet another truly beneficial article for humankind’s development.
However, it is our Ahle Sunna Wa Al-Jama’at (aqeeda) believe that the holy Prophets are prophets by birth. Our Holy Master Sayyidina Rasool’Allah Sallallahu Tabarak Wa Ta’ala A’alaihi Wa Sallam announced/declared his prophethood at the age of 40, NOT established received or chosen at the this age as it says in the #4 paragraph 2:
“the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to meditate for days at a time in a cave prior to receiving revelation and being established as the Messenger of God ﷺ to humanity.”
I just wanted to clear this misconception of some of the deviant factions in our community.
Sayyid Khaja Mohyi’aldin Quaderi
Blessed salaams Sayyid Khaja Mohyi’aldin. Thank you for sharing. Yes, you are correct and my perhaps unspoken implication in the statement was that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was established then publicly in his role amongst the community as the Messenger and Representative of Allah Almighty, meaning at this point he was tasked with officially calling humanity back to God. Thank you again for contributing. Best and most blessed regards.
Assalamu aleikum Ihsan.
May Allahs Mercy and blessings be upon you.
In your blog about Islamic meditation, there is a video on the page, where you in the beginning says: “i hope you enjoyed the minicourse, it is a small taste of what is available inside the Islamic meditation program.”
Where can i find that minicourse?
Jazak Allahu khayran
Jamila from Denmark
Blessed salaams Jamila. You can still access the mini-course Rediscovering Islamic Spirituality that is referenced in the video at our home and welcome page » May the guidance and grace of Allah be with you.