Social Media and the Need to Seek Attention

The manipulation of our behavior and consciousness by means of modern social media has led to an epidemic of narcissism and dysfunctional behavior that while in the short and immediate term provide gratifying hits of dopamine each time a photo or video is liked, hearted or positively commented on, yet which in the long term results in an incapacity to have real and meaningful relationships.

This is because while real relationships require the refinement of character, conduct, attitude and behaviors, social media instead tends to reward us primarily based upon superficial appearance and attractiveness. Consequently, we begin to develop a delusional sense of self-worth and value based upon external and ephemeral beauty, and we tend to neglect the cultivation of internal beauty—yet it is self and spiritual development that in reality determines the health and happiness of real and actual relationships in stark contrast to the meaningless transitory micro-relationships that occur in the ever expanding void of the virtual world.

Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom

Humanity and the traditional cultures that we are now actively and aggressively discarding to our own detriment have known for millennia that excess attention given to an individual results in an aggrandized sense of self and a hyper inflated ego, ultimately contributing to the demise and harm of the individual, and whomsoever is unfortunate enough to be caught in his or her wake.

The noble and blessed Messenger of God ﷺ softly versed a prayer anytime he looked in the mirror thanking God for His creation and seeking refuge in His might and presence both from the self and from Satan.

The Legend of Narcissus and Narcissism

The very myth of Narcissus is based upon him losing his actual self in the mirror of his reflection as he continued to stare at his appearance and essentially fall in love with himself, or to be more accurate, as he fell in love with his self.

Couple contemporary culture’s fixation on excessive exhibitionism with confused and misunderstood messages from marketing companies and brands seeking to sell products that encourage us to “Love Yourself (Love Your Self),” and we are spiraling towards ego and self-worship of hitherto unparalleled proportions.

Do Not Seek Attention

In the darkness of this madness, the message of the prophets and the wise to not seek attention and not nourish the augmented sense of self is more pertinent than perhaps ever before. To truly experience happiness in both this life and in the world beyond, rather than pride and indulgence in self, we must instead cultivate humility and a transcendence of self.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated, “Religion is advice,” and so, I humbly offer this advise to those who will choose real and actual happiness, love and success rather than the empty and vain gratification one experiences when social media rewards us with the adoration of a virtual audience—for your own good, stop seeking attention.

Become Actually Attractive

Rather than purely working on beautifying your exterior appearance for transient praise, attention and validation, spend at least as much time in reflection and introspection beautifying your character and cultivating excellence in conduct through humility and selfless service.

May Allah Almighty guide to what is best and most blessed, to His divine pleasure and presence, and to that which leads to our own health, happiness and success both in this life and the next.

To your divine and eternal success.

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3 Responses

  1. Such great advice, as someone who deleted all of their social medias years ago, this post reminds me of all the reasons why I did so, and how much peace and time I’ve gathered in being able to find joy inside of myself, rather than from others approval of me. It also helps appreciating your life for what it is rather than seeing other people showing off the best parts of theirs and you comparing your life to their highlight reel, and entering possible states of ungratefulness for what you have compared to others. Lastly, I do believe not being on social media protects from peoples nazar, if I have something good I don’t want people putting any accidental evil eye on what is good in my life. Inward appreciation trumps all my friend. Have a beautiful weekend~

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