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BorderPoint All Access


Get Access to Everything

The most complete personal development and spiritual growth program available.

BorderPoint—Spiritual Excellence All Access

"In times of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."

— Eric Hoffer, Author and Social Philosopher

Save $100 On Enrollment


Save $100 on enrollment and join BorderPoint All Access for only $495 $395 per year.

Comprehensive and Complete

Knowledge is necessary for health, harmony and success.

A proper and healthy approach to religious learning and spiritual development leads to success, health, happiness and harmony both in this life and in the world beyond. Yet to truly advance and progress while simultaneously remaining rooted in purpose, leading-edge learning is indispensable.

With the BorderPoint All Access annual membership program, you get instant access to our entire and comprehensive course library that includes a growing catalog of leading-edge programs to support you in living your best possibility by progressively awakening your potential in alignment with the will of the Divine.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to leverage the power of tribe and congregation with weekly live sessions, community chat and an extensive archive of recorded content in addition to bonus content with Awakenings Academy.

In short, BorderPoint All Access is designed to fill in the vital and missing gap in essential learning, training and development for a healthy, balanced, successful and spiritual life in the modern world, and for a minute fraction of the cost of secular education.

Learn how to take control of your life and your results through the combination of classical spiritual development and contemporary personal growth. Supercharge your spiritual development and awaken to your eternal divine purpose with invaluable and essential learning through BorderPoint All Access.

Please note that this is an annual membership program and you will be billed yearly. There are no term requirements and you can cancel at any time—simply let us know at least 5 days before your renewal date to avoid the annual cost.

"Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every believer."

— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Program Components

Complete and comprehensive education and training for total life health and success.

Entire Course Library

Our catalog of leading-edge courses currently includes the following essential programs and more to help you live a life of balance, health, strength, success and purpose:

Awakenings Academy

BorderPoint All Access includes membership to Awakenings Academy wherein you can join a growing global community and participate in weekly live sessions, special training lessons, community chat and much, much more.

Awakenings Academy is the live and persistent component of the BorderPoint Education Platform, and is designed to provide ongoing and consistent learning, training, development and practice via the following components:

  • Weekly Study Circle Live Sessions
  • Weekly Dhikr Circle Live Sessions
  • Weekly Sisters’ Suhba Live Sessions
  • Monthly Men’s Circle Live Sessions
  • Community Chat Group
  • Extensive Archived and Recorded Content
  • Priority Access to Retreats and Live Events
  • Additional Bonuses and Benefits

All live sessions are recorded and available for replay shortly after the meetings, and members have access to an ever increasing archive of content and resource material to continually provide guidance, mentorship, coaching and training in all of life’s circumstances and situations.

Support the Platform

A BorderPoint All Access membership is the best way to support this platform and the mission of reintroducing classical faith-based spirituality to a contemporary audience so that we can together rise anew as a nation grounded in spiritual excellence, as models and exemplars of the way, and as a means for others to discover the depth and beauty of a living religion that is relevant, practical and applicable.

Member Testimonials

What are members saying about BorderPoint Courses and Programs? Read below.

“Completely Changed My Life”

I was blessed to have found Ustadh Ihsan online during one of the most trying periods in my life. Through his encouragement, I enrolled in the Islamic Meditation Program and it completely changed my life. I absolutely loved the course and soon after, purchased all the remaining programs.

I have learnt the importance of the concept of ‘surrender’ in Islam, the importance of living in the present moment as it is the portal to the Divine Presence, the art and skill of meditation in Islam in remaining anchored and rooted in the present moment and the important role of Sufism in Islam.

I experience greater levels of peace and joy through the transcendence of the self, alhamdulilah, and learnt what the essence of the spiritual path is—awakening, developing consciousness and the awakening of the human heart.

I have realised that Islam is an experiential religion and this has made worshipping much more enjoyable. I have also learnt what our purpose here on earth is—to act as Allah’s vicegerents and share our God given talents to His creation.

Alhamdulilah, through Ustadh Ihsan, I have found greater love for the religion, clarity, purpose in my life and greater levels of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. I highly encourage all of his courses for anyone interested in spiritual development and blossoming to their highest potential.

Jamella (Australia)

“Taken Me to Another Level—Truly Transformational”

I have been on a spiritual journey all my life, but something about discovering your services has taken me to another level. I am very blessed that Allah (SWT) led me to your courses. They have truly been transformational.

Hajar (United States)

“An Inspirational Companion”

BorderPoint has become an inspirational companion, and I look forward to your additions.

As a new learner, I found the courses very accessible. You have a talent for making complex, classical subjects surprisingly light. Your noble perspective revives a passion for depth, beauty, and an appreciation for a life grounded in quiet worship.

Raisa (United Kingdom)

Enroll Now and Save $100!


Join BorderPoint Access and get the most complete program available to awaken your potential.

Instant access and membership for only $495 $395/year.
Unconditional 14-day satisfaction guarantee.

Upon completion of the secure checkout process, you’ll be redirected to the Private Member Portal  to complete registration and gain access to your programs.
By enrolling in this program, you agree to our terms of service.

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