Of all organs, the heart holds a unique position of preeminence, rank and honor in Islam. Allah Almighty states in the Holy Qur’an that on that Day (the Day of Reckoning), nothing will avail the human being “save a sound heart,” (qalbun saleem), [26:88—89]. Furthermore, replete in the prayers and supplications of the Prophet ﷺ are the beseeching of God to strengthen and fortify the heart.
In this post, I will share what is meant by “awakening of the heart” (in particular as it relates to Islam), which is the topic of the upcoming Awakening the Heart Retreat this fall in Fethiye, Türkiye.
Awakening the Heart in Islam
As human beings, we possess the capacity for consciousness, or awareness, in three key areas of our human system: 1) the gut (corresponds with nafs al-ammara, or Level 1 State Consciousness), 2) the mind (corresponds with nafs al-lawwama, or Level 2 State Consciousness), 3) the heart (corresponds with nafs al-mutma’ina, or Level 3 State Consciousness).
Depending on our individual and personal level of development, and upon our current state of be-ing, consciousness becomes localized, predominant and distributed amongst these three areas of focus.
At the level of gut-based consciousness (Level 1 State Consciousness), we are primarily occupied with and driven by physical survival and lower physiological drives, desires, hungers and appetites. This is the level of animals.
At the level of mind-based consciousness (Level 2 State Consciousness), we are occupied with both physical and psychological survival, drives, needs and desires. At this stage, the ego becomes fully formed, developed and dominant. This is the common state of consciousness of human beings, and because it is based in time (in past and future), is a uniquely problematic state of being that is plagued by constant and chronic stress, fear, anxiety and worry.
Yet at the level of heart-based consciousness (Level 3 State Consciousness), we begin to experience the transcendence of the self and ego, and so begin to experience peace, connectedness, wholeness and love. It is at this level of consciousness, awareness and spiritual development in which the possibility of knowing God begins to become possible.
It is important to note that knowing is very different from “knowing of.” While the latter is fundamentally based in forms, ideas, concepts and beliefs, the former is actual, real and experiential. It is this knowing God, of course, that is the very purpose of creation.
Awakening the Heart and Islam
Unfortunately, religion is now commonly taught and learned primarily superficially, or formally, i.e. exclusively as it relates to the forms and structures of the faith (practices, rules, requirements, obligations and beliefs).
Yet to actualize and experience the true purpose of religion, one must go deeper. To truly understand and realize the ultimate purpose of Islam, we must be trained in the inward development of spiritual excellence, which is the cultivation of sincerity through progressive self-purification (tazkiyyah).
While the basic forms of the religion may be learned fairly easily and quickly by comparison, its spiritual and internal dimension provides endless depth and the opportunity to journey ever deeper to the essence of the faith and nearness to the Divine Presence of God.
In the spiritual dimension of faith, poossible are endless horizons and vistas of awe, wonder, joy, light, love and beauty. Yet sadly, when our comprehension and practice of religion are limited to but the forms, we miss its essence and true purpose, which is nothing other than the awakening and expansion of consciousness, and the progressive experience of divine love through the heart.
The Awakening the Heart Retreat
In the Awakening the Heart Retreat, we will with the will and grace of God begin establishing the foundations for the shift of consciousness from the lower self (the mind and gut—ego) to the higher self (the heart—spirit). Through classical and traditional means and methods of prayer, remembrance, meditation and association, we will acquire the keys to sustained spiritual growth and development, and so begin making real the religion.
If you feel that it is time to deepen and actualize faith, and to begin strengthening your connection with your Creator, please join us this fall in beautiful Fethiye, Türkiye, for what will be with the guidance and grace of God a blessed opportunity to begin experiencing and tasting the sweetness of faith.
With His will, I look forward to seeing and meeting you there.
To your divine and eternal success.