Dune, first published by Frank Herbert in 1965, has been heralded as the most significant work of science-fiction ever written, and has captured the imagination of millions since its original publication.
Now again a major motion picture adaptation and directed by Denis Villeneuve set for release in December of 2020, and featuring a star studded cast including the likes of Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, Dave Bautista, Stellan Skarsgard, Oscar Isaac, Jessica Ferguson and many others, Dune is again entering and with force into public consciousness.
In this episode of Soul of Islam Radio, we take a brief dive into the deeper dimension of Dune, which takes extensive inspiration from classical Islamic spirituality and eschatology.
In Dune: The Deeper Dimension, we explore the representative meanings and values of the Fremen culture, the role of Paul Muad’Dib, spiritual asceticism, the mastery of the self, the awakening of human potential, and much more.

9 Responses
Thank you, Ihsan. Your perspective is always very inspiring. I will read the book Dune by Frank Herbert before I watch the movie 🙂
„The awakening of heart-based consciousness is the precise and ultimate goal of spirituality and of faith, of religion, for it is only through the heart that a human being can access the very spirit and light that connects his or her being to the Divine Presence of God. It is for this reason that the great master of Islamic spirituality, Shah Bahau’ddin Naqshband (qs) of Central Asia, in completing the codification of spiritual principles first established by Shaykh Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdwani (qs), as culminating in the awakening of the human heart, or the awakening of heart-based consciousness.“
May we all attain that most sublime station.
Ameen, may we reach to these subtle and sublime truths and experiences. Thank you for your message, Mark. Enjoy both the book and the film, with God’s will, and may they be an inspiration upon the realization of the deeper dimension of the path. To your divine and eternal success.
I think somebody should rise sooner to prevent the rise of the Mahdi. Because if Mahdi comes, that will be the beginning of the end of humanity. If we all can live in peace, there will be no need for anybody to rise. So somebody should rise up to establish peace before the Mahdi does, if we’re to live till the sun shines.
Salaams brother, Thank you for your contribution on such an incredible information
You are most welcome, Sarah. May the Almighty guide us to His divine will in these times of change, transition and transformation. To your divine and eternal success.
Your mighty fine article is posted exactly on Autumn Equinox, well done!
I have blue eyes and I am born in September which is ruled by Mercury and is also the zodiac sign of Virgo.
I’ve been numbered by the universe. My birthdate reduced is 3:14 which is Pi and also 42 (3×14). 42 generations between Jesus and Abraham.
My full name is 45 which is JE in JE-SUS based on 7-cipher gematria. SUS is 666 the number of the cube, the caba, the kabbalah or the physical realm we live in ruled by time. So I am here to fullfill my destiny to break time and join the divine 🙂
3140(Pi) is the number of the pawn on the chessboard who is able to transform to any other piece of power on the chessboard, if it navigates successfully though white and black. A true alchemical path.
Am I Jesus? Haha no, I do not think that Jesus ever lived, the Bible is a mystic book, a riddle, a user manual which describes the process for inner enlightenment. We all got the Kingdom of heaven within us.
With that said I am also born on a Wednesday which is Mercuryday, and Mercury is Hermes or the messenger of God. That maybe is true, Gods own little messenger. I’ve got hundreds of metaphysical events and math that points out that Messiah is coming fairly soon.
Unfortenately we will see the rise of antichrist before that. Before a tree is able to reach to heaven it’s roots must first touch hell.
I very much enjoyed your interpretation – comparing the sandworms to dragons and the ancient troubador/knight culture was enlightening and something obvious I am shocked I did not consider myself. Thank you very much for that and many other amazing translations and references to the Islamic faith.
Your Islamic perspective will undoubtedly lead to a fruitful interpretation of the story that many non-Muslims will benefit from. One word of caution however – Islam itself is but one vessel through which Herbert is choosing to tell his story, specifically Sufism which you have already pointed out (an important distinction). Much like Christianity which formed the settings for the holy grail myths, Islam in Dune is a symbolic contrivance to help communicate deeper (esoteric) meanings through a well known interpretative lens.
Both in the myths of the Christian grail, and the islamic Dune, is an implicit discussion about Mithraism. You mention two members of the Naqshbandi Order specifically, which leads me to consider the ancient Persian origins of Sufism, and the importance of ancient Persia for Islam and Christianity, and the entire European/middle eastern world.
From spice addicted blue eyes, to the ethnicity of the Bene Gesserit (only mentioned one time in the last book), to the profoundly aryan etymology and mythology, Dune is a story that is meant to remind Europe and the middle east that we are in fact BROTHERS with a single mother named Persia. Much is done in modern times to divide “the West” and the “Middle East”, and Dune is a profound reminder of our single heritage. Modern Europe came from persians migrating West and mixing with indigenous agriculturalists, and modern Arab nations are ancient Persians mixed with the blood of Arab tribes.
Dune tells the exact same story as the LOTR, except it uses Islam instead of Anglo-saxon/Norse mythology as its means of communication.
Fun fact, idk where you got that tree image logo or what it represents, but the same image is in LOTR many times. Fun connection.
I just saw the movie tonight and I was blown away by it. I felt sooooo many things and knew I was meant to see it. I really felt that an expansion in consciousness…a shift in my perceptions was happening to me while watching it…like something was calling me, beckoning me, if you will, to go within. To clear out the fear so I am only left with myself.