In our modern world, it seems like there’s a label for everything. From disorders to conditions, we’re quick to categorize ourselves and others. But what do these labels truly mean? Are they accurate reflections of who we are, or are they clever constructs that limit our potential?
In a recent conversation with a client, we delved into these very questions, exploring the nature of labels, genetics, and the profound capacity of the human spirit to rise above the limitations imposed by society.
The Trap of Labels
We often find ourselves either placing labels on ourselves or allowing others to do so. These labels—whether related to mental health, personality traits, or even disorders—can be incredibly limiting. For example, the diagnosis of ADHD has become commonplace. A child with boundless energy, who 50 or 100 years ago would have simply been considered a lively or boisterous boy, is now often seen through the lens of a medical diagnosis. But what does this label accomplish? While it may help explain behavior in certain cases, it can also lead to a path of suppression—through medication or societal pressure—that stifles the child’s natural inclinations and potential.
This trend extends beyond individual cases. Our society seems bent on controlling and conforming behaviors that are intrinsic to human nature, particularly the nature of boys and men. The masculine spirit is inherently rebellious and nonconformist; it seeks to challenge and break free from anything that tries to confine it. Yet, modern society often seeks to tame this spirit in ways that strip it of its vitality and purpose. When men fall under this weight, the ripple effects impact everyone, leading to the erosion of society itself.
The Power of Epigenetics: Choice Over Destiny
Enter the science of epigenetics, which offers a groundbreaking perspective on genetics and human potential. Epigenetics shows us that while we may carry certain genetic predispositions, the environment plays a critical role in determining how, or if, these genes are expressed. This means that our genetic makeup is not our destiny. Instead, the choices we make and the environments we cultivate can influence the trajectory of our lives.
The powerful message here is that despite genetic predispositions, we hold the ability to shape our own futures. The environment—whether nurturing or detrimental—can activate or suppress certain genetic traits. For example, one person may be predisposed to a certain condition, while another might face different challenges. But what truly matters is how we engage with the world around us, and how we respond to these challenges. Our genes do not control us; we have the power to shape our reality through our choices.
Beyond the Genetic Code: The Human Spirit
A striking example of this concept is captured in the film Gattaca, which revolves around genetics and the potential to overcome genetic limitations. The film’s tagline, “There is no gene for the human spirit,” encapsulates a profound truth: the human spirit possesses the ability to transcend even the most seemingly insurmountable obstacles. No genetic code can define or confine the boundless potential of the human spirit.
Labels, no matter how cleverly crafted or socially accepted, cannot define us. They may categorize, diagnose, or attempt to explain, but they fall short of capturing the essence of what makes us human. Our spirit, with its divine potential to bend and change reality, is what truly defines us.
The Danger of Suppression: A Spiritual Perspective
From a spiritual standpoint, assigning a label and medicating a person into submission robs them of their journey toward self-mastery. Islam, for instance, teaches that discipline and self-control are integral parts of the spiritual path. Jihad an-nafs, or the process of overcoming oneself—of taming and channeling natural inclinations—is essential to personal and spiritual growth. When society suppresses this process, it strips life of its meaning and reduces individuals to mere shadows of their true selves.
Moreover, this suppression not only harms the individual but also weakens the fabric of society. A society built on control, suppression, and the denial of natural human inclinations inevitably begins to fragment. The very qualities that hold it together—strength, resilience, and the will to break free from conditioning—are undermined. This leads to a disempowered populace, unaware of their true potential, disconnected from their purpose, and vulnerable to external manipulation.
Defining Your Own Path
In the end, it’s not society, labels, or even genetics that define us. With God’s will, we hold the power to define our own paths. Our choices, our spirit, and our willingness to break free from societal conditioning determine our destiny. By embracing our unique strengths, potentials, and even challenges, we can rise above the labels imposed upon us and create a life of meaning and purpose.
We must be vigilant in recognizing the limitations of labels and societal definitions. Rather than allowing them to shape us, we should see them for what they are—temporary constructs that often fail to capture the full complexity of who we are. Instead, we must choose to define ourselves by our spirit, our choices, and our relentless pursuit of growth and self-mastery.
Your genes are not your destiny, and neither are the labels society assigns to you. The real question is: how will you align your life with a higher purpose? True human potential lies not in the physical or material constraints we are born into, but in the spiritual path we choose to walk.
When we embrace spirituality as the key to unlocking our inner power, we rise above the limitations of both genetics and societal labels. It is through faith, self-discipline, and connection with the Divine that we find our true strength and transform our lives into a reflection of our highest purpose.

2 Responses
Bravo brother! Man is only meant to submit to Allah and nothing and no-one else. Absolutely agree and that is why we as human beings are sovereign beings on Earth. Any other labels is nonsense and potentially pathological, in fact we are not our pathology but viceroys to the Divine Absolute.
Thank you for your feedback and thoughts, Jean-Michel. Ameen; may Allah Almighty make us true, sincere and loving servants of His divine will. To your divine and eternal success.