Michael Haroon Sugich is the author of several important works within the Islamic faith and spiritual tradition including Signs on the Horizons and Hearts Turn, both of which are invaluable resources upon the path for they who seek to draw nearer unto the Divine Presence of Truth and who seek to awaken to their divine purpose.
His most recent project is the pioneering Exemplars for Our Time, which is a nine-volume work that is a collection of biographies of modern day spiritual luminaries who can serve as inspiring guides upon the path of self development and spiritual awakening.
On a recent visit, I had the opportunity to meet with Sidi Haroon in his home in Turkey and have a conversation about his personal journey to Islam, his most recent contribution to Islamic faith literature, and the subtleties of the spiritual path of self-transcendence that ultimately leads to the pleasure and presence of Allah Almighty.

3 Responses
Hearts Turn is a wonderful book with many jewels.
“It is recounted that a man asked Ibn Mas’ud about a sin he had committed: did he have a chance of repentance? Ibn Mas’ud turned away from him, then turned back and saw tears flowing from his eyes. Ibn Mas’ud said to the man: ‘Indeed Paradise has eight gates which open and close, but the gate of repentance, guarded by a special Angel, does not close; do [repent], and do not despair.’”
― Hearts Turn: Sinners, Seekers, Saints and the Road to Redemption
Taubah is the one of the 3 thing that God cannot reject, the other 2 things are sadaqah and salawat.
Thank you for sharing, Mark. Yes, and many of the masters of the way have stated that the path begins with repentance. May Allah Almighty make and keep us from amongst they who continually turn towards Him. Blessed regards.