Global Dhikr: Reconnecting With Our Source

In these tumultuous times, where uncertainty and challenges seem ever-present, it is more important than ever to turn inward and connect with our Creator. The recent Global Dhikr & Meditation session served as a powerful reminder of the central role that dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and meditation play in nurturing our faith, fortifying our hearts, and aligning our lives with Divine Will. This article accompanies the replay of our latest livestream, inviting you to reflect on the themes discussed and to join in the transformative practice of collective dhikr.

Reconnecting with Our Source

The session began with a gentle reminder of our complete dependence on Allah Almighty’s mercy and compassion. Every breath, every heartbeat is a testament to His endless grace. By engaging in dhikr, we not only remember Allah’s attributes—His mercy, compassion, and forgiveness—but also reaffirm our connection to Him. This practice is not merely a ritual; it is a means of anchoring ourselves in the reality that, despite our shortcomings, Allah continues to bestow His blessings upon us, moment by moment.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the transformative power of dhikr, stating that the difference between those who remember Allah and those who do not is like the difference between the living and the dead. When we engage in dhikr, we awaken our hearts and souls to the reality of Allah’s presence, allowing His light to permeate our being and dispel the darkness of heedlessness and doubt.

Navigating the Trials of Our Times

During the session, we took a moment to acknowledge the overwhelming nature of current global events and the profound patience Allah Almighty is showing humanity. As we witness the unfolding of these events, it is easy to feel despair or confusion. However, it is precisely in these moments that faith and patience become essential. We are reminded that Allah is As-Sabur—the Patient One—and His justice, though delayed, is certain. It is up to us, as believers, to cultivate the patience and fortitude needed to withstand the tests of our times, knowing that everything unfolds according to His divine wisdom.

The increasing turmoil in the world is a wake-up call for all of us to deepen our iman (faith) and to actively seek Allah’s mercy and protection. Through dhikr and conscious meditation, we can cultivate a heart that is resilient and steadfast, capable of facing adversity with unwavering faith.

The Spiritual Essence of Dhikr and Meditation

In our session, we delved into the practice of mindful breathing as a form of dhikr, recognizing each breath as a divine gift. This practice serves as a powerful reminder that we are constantly in need of Allah’s mercy, which sustains us in every moment. By aligning our breath with the remembrance of Allah’s names, we open ourselves to receiving His blessings and protection.

The meditation practice involved calling upon Allah’s names, such as Al-Hayy (the Ever-Living), Al-Qayyum (the Self-Subsisting), and Ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful), to awaken our hearts and to feel His presence deeply within us. As we recited these names, we envisioned the descent of His mercy, peace, and healing upon ourselves and upon the world. This visualization and recitation help to strengthen our spiritual connection and to manifest the attributes of Allah in our lives.

A Call to Collective Dhikr

One of the key takeaways from this session was the importance of engaging in dhikr not only individually but also as a community. When we gather together, whether physically or virtually, to remember Allah, we create a powerful field of light and divine presence. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that whenever people gather to remember Allah, the angels surround them, mercy envelops them, tranquility descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with Him.

As we continue to hold these global dhikr sessions, we invite everyone to participate and to contribute their voices and hearts to this collective remembrance. In these gatherings, we are not only nurturing our own souls but also contributing to a global movement of spiritual awakening and renewal.


The Global Dhikr & Meditation session was a powerful reminder of the necessity of turning back to Allah in these challenging times. It called us to anchor ourselves in dhikr, to cultivate patience and resilience, and to seek refuge in Allah’s mercy and compassion. As you watch the replay, may you find inspiration, strength, and peace in the remembrance of Allah Almighty. May our hearts be awakened, our faith strengthened, and our lives aligned with His will.

May Allah Almighty, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, guide us on the path of dhikr, fortify our hearts with unwavering faith, and envelop us in His endless mercy and protection.

Allahumma ameen.

To your divine and eternal success.

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