We are accustomed to thinking that hellfire is a punishment, yet there is a deeper dimension in understanding the divine purpose of the place of fire in the world beyond. Rather than being but a punishment for persistent transgressors and evildoers, they who insist on rebellion against the commandments of God and who cause tragedy and trauma for others, hell is in fact a place of purification.
In this short video excerpt taken from an Awakenings Academy live session, I share how hell is in reality a means of burning away the impurities and density of the ego so that the soul of the creature and creation of God may ultimately return to its Source, Allah Almighty the Creator, the One.
We know from what has been revealed within the Holy Qur’an that prior to incarnation in the world of form, each soul bore witness to the Oneness and Lordship of Allah Almighty, [7:172]. Furthermore, the Messenger of God ﷺ stated that anyone who bears witness to the Oneness of God will ultimately be freed from the hellfire.
Therefore, each human soul which has borne witness to the Oneness of God will eventually be liberated from the pain, suffering and torment of the fire. In this sense, hellfire is in fact a mercy from God and acts as a final means of purification from darkness and density if the individual does not while alive repent and return to God.
Yet the punishment and purification in the world beyond is far more difficult than simply correcting oneself here in this world of form, time and space. This then is a reminder that we must not delay in repentance and return—tawba—while we still have the opportunity to do so, and to follow up our seeking of forgiveness with righteousness, self-purification and charitable deeds that help and heal rather than harm others.
May Allah Almighty protect us from our selves and from the torment of the grave, the gravity of the Day of Reckoning, and the suffering of the Fire; may our end be blessed, and may we depart with faith on our tongues and in our hearts.
To your divine and eternal success.
Awakenings Academy is a group coaching, training and development program designed to provide the key components for consistent personal and spiritual growth based upon established and traditional means and methods of learning. Join us.

6 Responses
Br Ishan, May Allah’s Peace, Blessings and Healing be with you too. In light of eternal and divine blessings of Quran where there is mercy and healings for us without doubt. This journey has been a place of space and time from the divine grace of our Lord of the Worlds to His oneness planned through Him along. Qur’an 5:3 ” This Day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have chosen and approved for you Islam as your religion.” The power of hell as path
through purification which was required of Allah along for the forgiveness, mercy, grace with good deeds is noted. I pray Allah’s warner’s remain in my life positive, I’ll hold on to His rope for strength under the shade of the Qur’an (light).
Ameen, may Allah Almighty’s divine light, guidance, peace and protection always be with you, sister Sakina. To your divine and eternal success.
Dear Ihsan,
I tried to search for the quote you mentioned “Hazrat Abu Bakr used to pray to Allah that to make his body so big that when u throw it in hell fire there will be no place for others” but was not able to find any.
Can you please cite the source.
Salaams Rehan brother. Yes, at the time I mentioned it, was not sure if Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (ra) or Abu Yazid al-Bistami (qs). It was indeed the latter. Blessed regards.
wait what. i thought it was eternal, so are you saying that people will be freed from the hell fire?
There is a difference of opinion regarding this amongst the scholars and people of knowledge, and yes, I am of the belief that eventually Allah Almighty’s mercy will overcome His wrath [Hadith Qudsi], and that once the darkness and density that covers the souls of His creatures due to ego and arrogance has been burned away and transformed to light, they will eventually be freed from the Fire. And Allah Almighty knows best.