In this ongoing series of posts on the great prophet and messenger of God, Jesus (as), we discuss the greeting that Jesus (as) himself used when meeting and addressing others.
Greetings have the power to carry intention and also divine blessings and grace, and in fact we have been instructed by Allah Almighty and the last and final of God’s great messengers to humanity, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, to greet one another by saying, “Peace be upon you.”
Not surprisingly, this is the precise greeting that Jesus (as) used when he greeted others, according the current existing versions of the gospels of Luke and John.
The Greeting of Jesus (as): Peace Be Upon You
The Gospel of Luke
In the Gospel of Luke, we read that Jesus (as) used the greeting, “Peace be upon you,” when he meets on the road two of his disciples.
Then the two told what had happened on the road, and how they had recognized Jesus in the breaking of the bread. While they were describing these events, Jesus Himself stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”
Luke 24:35-36
The Gospel of John
In the Gospel of John, when Jesus (as) is described addressing the disciples, he again greets the gathering by saying, “Peace be upon you.”
It was the first day of the week, and that very evening, while the disciples were together with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them. “Peace be with you!” He said to them.
John 20:19
Jesus (as) in Aramaic: Shlama ‘Allāwkhon
It is important to remember that the great prophet and messenger of God, Jesus (as), spoke Aramaic, which is a semitic sister language to both Arabic and Hebrew. Therefore, when he greeted others, he specifically would have used the form, “shlama ‘allāwkhon,” which means, “peace be upon you” in Aramaic.
This is near precisely the greeting of “salaamu ‘alaykum” in Arabic used by Muslims to this very day based on the guidance and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, clearly showing yet again that they who follow the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are they who indeed follow Jesus (as).
May God guide to what is best and most blessed.
To your divine and eternal success.

5 Responses
Asalaam alaykum,
MashAllah! Have missed that. It has been in front of my eyes but allhamdulillah it has come to surface and I’m happy that you shared. Wow!
Wa salaam
Alhamdulillah, glad I brought it to your attention, brother Shakoor 🙂
Amazing insight and glad the attention you are giving to Jesus PBUH.
New to Islam I understand the importance of Muhammed PBUH now getting to know him and about him. However at times I did miss the mentioning of Jesus PBUH whilst fully accepting the different status compared to a Christian Religion. I much appreciate your presentation.
Most welcome, Christa. Congratulations and welcome to Islam. May Allah Almighty continue to guide and bless your journey. Please reach out if we can assist in any way. To your divine and eternal success.
Asalam alaikum,
respected Brothers and sisters ramadan mubarak to you all and a big warm welcome Crista congratulations and may Allah the almighty make it easy for you feel inshaAllah.
The topic how Jesus greeted is very interesting I have not had the chance of reading it unfortunately and maybe some of you other blogs i will however try my as best to have a quick read through them and let you know my thoughts on them until then keep me in your duas