Classical Christian thought in its evolution identified what has come to be known as the Seven Cardinal Sins, or the Seven Deadly Sins (also sometimes referred to as the Seven Capital Vices). The identification and classification of these seven cardinal sins arose so as to help the faithful better understand the ultimate battle and struggle against the self (known in Islam as jihad an-nafs) that they who believe could ultimately move towards transcendence of the lower self and ascend towards the presence and pleasure of God.
The Seven Cardinal Sins
Although they have gone through some modification over the centuries and millenia, the Seven Cardinal Sins (the Seven Deadly Sins) as they are currently established are the following:
- Lust
- Gluttony
- Greed
- Sloth
- Wrath
- Envy
- Pride
Throughout history, the faithful have sought to overcome these seven deadly sins and vices within so as to evolve as human beings, gain the pleasure of God, and attain to success both in this life and the next.
The Seven Cardinal Sins also have their positive counterparts, known as the Seven Heavenly Virtues.
The Seven Heavenly Virtues
In contrast to the Seven Cardinal Sins, the Seven Heavenly Virtues (also known as the Seven Capital Virtues) provide a set of virtues to which human beings can aspire in their reaching for excellence and purification so as to awaken to lives of sacred service and freedom from the lower self and the base world.
The Seven Heavenly Virtues are currently formulated as the following, in direct parallel with and in contrast to the Seven Cardinal Sins:
- Chastity
- Temperance
- Charity
- Diligence
- Kindness
- Patience
- Humility
It has been near universally understood throughout human history that the path of progress and evolution for the human being is in rising above vice, and by aspiring to ascend by progressively embodying virtue.
It is therefore incredible that in the modern day and age, that which historically has been seen and identified as vices are now elevated as virtues.
The Cardinal Sin of Pride
Of all the Seven Cardinal Sins, perhaps the most dangerous and insidious is pride, for pride is the root of the ego, or the nafs in Arabic. We must remember that it is the ego (the lower self) which stands in opposition to God and that veils us from the glory and beauty of the Divine Presence.
Pride is in fact the original sin, for it was pride that prevented Satan from obeying the order of Allah Almighty and prostrating to Adam (as), the established deputy and vicegerent of God upon the earth.
Furthermore, when pride is present in the heart, repentance and correction become impossible, thereby condemning a soul to damnation as a result of arrogance. While Allah Almighty is quick to forgive, one must first repent and turn towards God, and pride prevents this from occuring.
To illustrate this point, the blessed and noble Messenger of God ﷺ taught that “none shall enter Paradise so long as they have even an atom’s weight of pride in the heart.”
No one will enter Paradise who has even an atom’s weight of pride in his heart, and no one will enter Hell who has even an atom’s weight of faith in his heart.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Muslim, Tirmidhi)
The New World Religion of Self Worship
While true faith and religion has always sought to guide humanity towards humility and the cultivation of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, the new world religion instead seeks to program us and our children to instead worship and glorify the ego and self, i.e. pride and the Seven Cardinal Sins.
Incredibly, the new world order has positioned itself directly against God and traditional faiths and values, and simply sitting on the sidelines is no longer possible. Each must now choose what they believe, and actively live accordingly.
Who chooses God, His Messenger ﷺ and the religion of truth, and who seek to cultivate the Seven Heavenly Virtues will be successful in both this life and the next, regardless of the hardships that may ensue.
Who chooses Satan, his religion, pride and the Seven Cardinal Sins—they will suffer and fail in both this life and the next, regardless of the ease with which such a path has now been made.
May Allah Almighty guide us to wisdom, knowledge, clarity and light.
To your divine and eternal success.