The Virtues of Travel in Islam

Our environments have a profound impact on us, both psychologically and spiritually. In Islam, the importance of travel is emphasized as a means to enhance one’s faith and overall well-being. Experiencing new environments that are conducive to faith is essential for personal growth and development.

The Value of Travel in Islam

Travel holds significant value in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Travel, for it will make you healthy and wealthy” (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 73, p. 221). This highlights the importance of travel not only for physical health but also for spiritual and financial well-being.

The Qur’an encourages believers to travel and reflect upon the creation of Allah. In Surah al-Imran (3:191), it states, “Surely Thou hast not created all of this for naught,” reminding us of the purpose and wisdom behind creation. Surah al-Ankabut (29:20) further advises, “Travel through the earth and see how He originated creation,” emphasizing the educational and spiritual benefits of travel.

Intentions and Growth

In Islam, intentions are the foundation of all actions. Traveling with the intention of growth, learning, development, and seeking knowledge is an essential aspect of the religion. Travel for faith allows Muslims to experience and appreciate the diversity of Allah’s creation, thus deepening their understanding and connection to their faith.

Providing valuable experiences for oneself and one’s family through travel requires capacity and means. Often, this necessitates self-improvement and overcoming limitations. Surah al-Baqarah (2:268) warns, “Satan threatens you with poverty,” but Muslims are encouraged to develop an abundance consciousness and a prosperity paradigm, relying and trusting in Allah Almighty.

Faith and Reliance on Allah

Traveling for the sake of Allah requires developing faith through practice. Surah al-Baqarah (2:197) advises, “And take provision for the journey, yet the best of provisions is taqwa (mindfulness of Allah), so be mindful of Me O men of understanding.” Additionally, Surah at-Talaq (65:3) assures, “And whosoever relies upon God, He will find Him sufficient.”

Faith must be continuously exercised and developed, stretching beyond comfort zones and complacency. While entering Islam can be instantaneous, the development and deepening of faith (Iman) is a perpetual journey. Travel with the right intention becomes an act of worship, bringing gain, benefit, and blessings in this life and the hereafter.

The Disruptive Nature of Travel

Travel is inherently disruptive, offering change and the potential for awakening. “The sleeper must awaken,” a phrase echoed by Duke Leto Atreides in the novel Dune, captures the essence of how new experiences can trigger profound personal growth. Without change, something within us remains dormant and seldom awakens.

I’ll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change, something sleeps inside us and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.

Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)

Travel, especially in difficult circumstances, can strengthen and harden the seeker on the spiritual path. It is a way of asceticism, discipline, and zuhd (detachment from worldly desires). The best provisions for a traveler are faith, trust, and reliance on God. Believers are encouraged to stretch themselves progressively, as the path reveals itself through action and movement.

Manifestation of Faith through Action

Action is the manifestation of faith, strengthening and making belief real. The renowned poet Rumi (qs) said, “What you seek is seeking you,” highlighting the reciprocal nature of pursuit and fulfillment. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge, stating, “Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him” and “Whoever goes out seeking knowledge, then he is in Allah’s cause until he returns.”

In conclusion, travel is a vital component of Islamic life, offering numerous spiritual, psychological, and physical benefits. By traveling with the right intentions and reliance on Allah, Muslims can enhance their faith, gain valuable experiences, and grow both personally and spiritually.

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2 Responses

  1. It was through travel I discovered Islam. Locally I knew about it as a faith belonging to a certain group of people but would have never experienced the feeling it could include me.

    1. Masha-Allah, thank you for sharing Christa. May Allah Almighty continue to guide and bless your journey Home to His Divine Presence.

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