The term “shaykh” is often translated as “teacher” or “guide.” However, in this video, I explain that the true role and function of a shaykh is to lead, and to do so through his personal example. An awakened and enlightened shaykh does not lead through speech, but rather in the only way that any true leader can—through his actions.
It is important to remember that learning in any field and in any subject requires a teacher (or teachers). The master and apprentice relationship and system is as old as humanity, and has been in place since the dawn of time to transmit not just knowledge (‘ilm), but also experience, and thus wisdom (hikma).
The necessity of a good teacher is especially true in religion, in which having a living example, model, leader and guide becomes indispensable so as to avoid the myriad of pitfalls upon the path and the misunderstandings and misinterpretations that will inevitably arise without a living teacher.
In reality, the only way to truly learn the religion is through the living example of a practitioner upon the path, for otherwise, the faith is reduced to but a belief system and an identity, lacking in actualization and realization of its principles and possibilities.
The teacher—student relationship is codified in the prophetic paradigm, for Allah Almighty has chosen to teach expressly and only through prophets and messengers throughout the ages, never revealing a sacred scripture without a living master as a means to its truth.
The Hadith of Jibril (as)
In the well known Hadith of Jibril, the Archangel Gabriel manifested in human form and met with the Messenger of God ﷺ in the presence of his companions, and then proceeded to ask him several very specific questions about the faith.
After he departed, the Prophet ﷺ asked his companions if they knew who the man was. They replied, “Allah and His Messenger ﷺ know best.” The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ then stated, “That was the Archangel Gabriel (as), and he came to teach you your religion.”
While we tend to focus on the content of this tradition, specifically in understanding the principles that constitute the three key dimensions of the religion known as Islam, Iman and Ihsan, in addition to the emphasis on the Signs of the Last Days, there is a more subtle aspect to this sacred event and experience, and that is the manner in which it was conveyed.
To be specific, Jibril (as) came and sat directly in front of the Prophet ﷺ, and then proceeded to ask him several questions. When the Prophet ﷺ answered, Jibril (as) responded each time with confirmation by saying, “You are correct.”
In other words, the Archangel Gabriel (as) positioned himself as a teacher with the Prophet ﷺ, while in reality the Prophet’s rank and reach was far beyond what even Jibril (as) or any of the great angels of God could have attained. Yet he did so specifically so as to “teach the Muslims their religion,” and that the teacher—student relationship be preserved as a core component of the faith and the transmission of its spiritual essence ever after.
A Teacher is Indispensable
A qualified teacher in any endeavor is essential, and this is especially true when one is seeking truth and reality upon the path of the the most sacred subject of study and practice, i.e. religion, faith and spirituality, which determine the destiny of conscious and sentient beings in both this life and in the eternal world beyond.
Success upon the path requires the transcendence of the ego; it requires outwitting the self, and we cannot do it alone, for we are each in our own blindspots. To truly succeed, a qualified trainer is required. This then constitutes the role and function of a shaykh—one who Allah Almighty preserves and makes available to support you in reaching your destination—the Divine Presence of God.
To leave the ego behind is the most difficult thing of all, and this is precisely the point of the path—the tarbiyya, or development, maturation, raising and evolution of the individual to the point that he or she essentially becomes self-less, i.e. one who has risen above self-centeredness and thus capable of true and real sacred service.
While in comparison it is fairly easy to learn Islam (which represents the outer dimension of religion), the cultivation of Iman (which represents the inner dimension of the faith) requires far more struggle and striving, and is a journey of infinite depth.
It is excellence in these two dimensions of the deen that then lead to Ihsan, or spiritual excellence. Those who attain to ihsan are known as muhsin, and they are those who have earned and attained to Allah Almighty’s divine love [2:195].
What is a Shaykh?
A shaykh is one who has not only conceptual and academic knowledge, but one who also possesses experience, and it is experience that makes the difference. He is someone who has traveled far beyond the realm of theory and thought to the destination and goal of all teachings. For him, the religion and the experience of nearness to the Divine Presence of God have become actual and real.
A shaykh is a leader in the literal sense of the word, and thus, he is an imam. He is the one who leads the community in practice from the front, and upon his shoulders rests the responsibility for a congregation.
He leads through personal example, for he is doing, and they who follow are simply able to join him in the worship and remembrance of God. He makes it possible for others to to accompany him upon the journey to the Divine Presence, and so his congregation become his companions. It is this companionship that is the essence of the relationship between a shaykh and his community of students.
May Allah Almighty guide us to the straight and noble path of excellence, beauty and light—the path and the company of those with whom He is well pleased and who excel in sincerity upon the path of striving towards His Divine Presence.
To your divine and eternal success.
![What is a Shaykh?](
5 Responses
Blessed Salaam to you!
A Shaykh is NOT an “Oracle” neither a “Guru” but an exemplar of the Way – a living/breathing manifestation of the Quran and inheritor of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). WOW! Loved the way you debunked conventional and popular parallels and laid down clear distinctions between a true Shaykh of any of the tariqas along the mystical path versus gurus or yogis or sannyasis in Hinduism or other established faiths. Your message clearly speaks to the heart of those who listen to you; it’s a blessing of Allah Almighty has endowed you!
May Allah SWT continue to bless you and others on the path who seek his Divine countenance!
Ameen, thank you brother Naim, may Allah Almighty guide us all to greater goodness and clarity upon the subtle path of excellence, beauty, perfection and light. To your divine and eternal success.
Is there woman sheicks?
Assalam Alaikum,
This was a wonderful explanation, one that I have never heard before. JazakAllah.